List of All Cuts of Beef

Where your steak comes from on the cow tin can determine how you lot cook it — dry rut or wet heat. Learn more about the regions of the cow and how a butcher cuts those tasty steaks you lot encounter behind the meat counter.

Different Cuts of Beef

Everyone wants their beef tender, merely non all cuts kickoff out that style. The tougher cuts of meat benefit from wet cooking methods like braising or irksome cooking. But already-tender cuts like a New York strip or filet mignon are meliorate cooked with dry oestrus such every bit smoking, grilling, or searing in your bandage iron before roasting in the oven.

Hither'southward a breakdown of every cutting of beefiness and where it comes from on the cow.

Picture of a cow showing where different cuts of beef are located

But first, know that there are 3 categories of beef cuts: primal, subprimal, and retail. A butcher more often than not cuts each primal region into smaller sections known as subprimal sections. Those are then cut up farther, and that'southward what winds upwards behind the meat counter.


Chuck steak

This is the neck and shoulder region of the cow. Chuck cuts tend to be tougher and have a lot of connective tissue. That'southward why they unremarkably need to exist cooked longer and in moisture heat to tenderize the meat. Yous tin find ground chuck, just other popular cuts come from chuck such as boneless short ribs, pot roast, flat-atomic number 26 steak, beefiness stew, and Denver steak.


Brisket comes from the chest of the cow beneath the neck and shoulder. Information technology's still fairly fatty and tough, and it comes with a lot of marbling. The best way to cook brisket is depression and slow. It's used to make corned beef, merely barbecue-mode brisket is also a popular choice.


Rib steak

Ribs anyone? This is the middle of the cow, where a classic rack of ribs comes from. Prime number rib as well comes from this section, as well as ribeye steaks. For the about part, these cuts are best grilled or smoked, whereas chuck and brisket benefit from moisture rut cooking methods like braising. Prime rib might be the only exception — improve cooked low and ho-hum in the oven, starting at loftier rut so turning information technology down.


Plate steak

The plate is the front belly region of the moo-cow below the ribs. Skirt steak comes from the plate region. It's also where those delicious, tender bone-in short ribs come from. Unlike from the boneless short ribs made from chuck, bone-in curt ribs are more expensive. They're fattier and you might debate have more season, but they also take more than cartilage that needs to break downwardly when cooking.

Brusk loin

Short loin

This is toward the dorsum of the cow backside the rib department. It'south where the more expensive steaks come up from such equally porterhouse, t-bone, strip steak, and New York strip. All are tender cuts and best cooked in dry heat.


Flank steak

Flank is backside the plate and below the short loin; it'south the back of the cow's abdomen. Equally one of the leaner parts of the cow, it'south thin and tough, and then cook flank steaks for a shorter amount of time at higher heat. Good for carne asada, but you tin also braise them.

Sirloin, elevation sirloin, and lesser sirloin

Sirloin steak

Behind the short loin, closer to the butt of the cow, is the sirloin. It's broken into small subprimal sections known as meridian sirloin and bottom loin. These cuts aren't quite as tender as the short loin cuts, just sirloin steaks have lots of flavor. This section is also where tri-tip comes from.


Tenderloin steak

Tenderloin is too a subprimal of the sirloin, and as the proper noun implies, it'south the most tender part of the cow. Information technology cuts into the short loin department, so sometimes expensive cuts like porterhouse and filet mignon are credited to the tenderloin. Don't waste these meats in low heat for several hours. They're already tender, so quicker cooking in dry heat is best.


Round steak

This is the hind leg of the moo-cow. You might run into a full circular at your butcher, which is a huge cut of meat, merely information technology's often divided into the top round and bottom round (the subprimals of the round). From the bottom round comes rump roast and eye of the round, while London broil comes from the height circular. Bottom round is besides sometimes used to brand roast beefiness.


Shank steak

Shank comes from both the forearm or foreleg of the cow. This is tough meat that's often used in soups and stews, or information technology's braised to make the meat more tender. It's not ideal for dry cooking.

Hungry for more?

  • All-time steak marinade
  • Types of ground beef
  • How to opposite sear a steak

Filed under: Ingredient Guides Kitchen Tips

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I'm a culinary school graduate, cookbook author, and a mom who loves croissants! My passion is creating recipes and sharing the scientific discipline backside cooking to help you gain confidence in the kitchen.

Jessica Gavin standing in the kitchen

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