The Escapist Artist Honored


All week here at The Escapist, Squad Humidor hunts down pat the finest game writing available from the finest game writers, and edits, rearranges and publishes it in the magazine for your reading pleasure. We've been doing this for about two years now, and we've been getting a lot of praise from industry professionals, our peers and others.

But a large division of that praise is ascribable the fine men and woman who read every clause, then search outer pictures, graphics and photos they can use to realise our words pretty. Sometimes this is as easy as cropping a photo of Warren Spector with his dog. Opposite times, it's a task of painstakingly bend images of CCG card game to agree a photo of a man doing a card trick. Sometimes, if they're lucky, they get to play with snowflakes. But every once in a while, they have to attain zombies.

Jessica Fielhauer is unmatchable of the artists who take that plunge with America every hebdomad, and for this week's issue of The Escapist (Come forth 98), she was tasked with fashioning artistry to fit out our consultation with the creator of Urban Dead, the browser-based zombie game. Since the game is text-based, there was no accompanying nontextual matter, and lamentably, the stock photo archive didn't have any zombies. So what's an artist to practise? Well, turn a vampire into a zombie of line.

"I found an image of a valet de chambre with an expression I felt was right," she says, "and then put-upon photoshop to turn him into a zombie."

iStockphoto has the taradiddle of her artistic prowess au fait their site, and is featuring her creation as a figure spotlight. If you deprivation to go steady more of Jessica's work, open practically any issue of The Escapist.

Cheers, Jess.


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