Raw Fruit and Vegetable Diet Called

01/6 The fruits and vegetables diet

Fruits and vegetables have an exceedingly beneficial nutritional composition. They are low in calories and high in essential nutrients, making them a preferred dietary option for weight loss. Traditionally, vegetables were always consumed as part of a wholesome or complete meal, and fruits were consumed in between well balanced meals. Such a diet was often handed out to clients by nutritionists and dietitians.

Off late however, people are trying out new fruits and vegetables only diet, where they ditch complete meals, and only opt to consume fruits and vegetables. This trend is gaining traction because of personal anecdotes people have shared about their weight loss journey on the internet and social media. So what really happens to your body when you forego other whole foods? Let's find out.


02/6 Why eat only fruits and vegetables

Well, because of its benefits. Not only do fruits and vegetables help in weight loss, they are also a benchmark for a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. They have long since been a part of the diet of athletes and bodybuilders because of their nutritional value. A fruit and vegetable only diet has arisen as a subset of veganism called raw veganism, where foods are consumed in its natural state. Such a diet also includes eating nuts and seeds. Apart from allowing vegans to explore more options, a fruits and vegetables only diet has been linked with many health benefits.


03/6 The benefits

Fruits and vegetables seemingly offer more than just more efficient weight loss. They have shown to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and they boost the health of blood vessels and the immune system. Moreover, they contain antioxidants which may reduce DNA damage, thus reducing the risk of cancer. While all these factors do seem beneficial, how impactful are they without the help of other whole foods?


04/6 The University of Giessen study

University of Giessen, Germany, conducted a study on the raw foods diet. To summarize, the study found that from the beginning of the diet regimen, there was an average weight loss of 9.9 kg for men and 12 kg for women. 14.7% of men and 25% of women fell below the average BMI. 30% of women below the age of 45 succumbed to partial or complete amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and those with a higher raw foods diet were affected more. The conclusion of the study was that a strict raw food diet is not recommended on a long term basis as it is associated with extreme loss of body weight and complications in women.


05/6 Other downsides of a fruits and vegetables only diet

While such a diet is usually adopted to lose weight, it is adverse for the body as there is no other source of nutrition to fuel the body. This leads to an unhealthy form of weight loss, as one also loses muscle mass and strength. There will be an insufficiency or imbalance of macronutrients, as fruits and vegetables do not contain fats and proteins which are essential for the body. The low calorie intake will gradually result in a significant drop in energy levels, making daily activities hard to carry out. Apart from essential macronutrients, fruits and vegetables lack other important nutrients like calcium, zinc, and omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Since raw foods are high in fiber, such a diet might lead to a fiber overdose, that might lead to gas or bloating.


06/6 What to do instead

Most dietitians would agree that well balanced meals are important no matter what your goal is. Your body needs complete nutrition whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass. Try incorporating fruits and vegetables as part of a larger well balanced diet plan. Do not rely solely on raw foods, as it will be detrimental to the body in the long run. If you want to detox and cleanse your body, go for this diet for 3 days at the most. In the long run, to lose weight you have to work hard and train hard.


Raw Fruit and Vegetable Diet Called

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/what-happens-to-your-body-when-you-eat-only-fruits-and-vegetables/photostory/70628934.cms

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